Django (web Fremwork)
- introduction
- Django installation
- Coming soon
Django was created in 2003,its was released publicly under a BSD license in july 2005, Django fremwork is python based free and open source fremwork,which is follows the model-tempate-view(MTV), basically Django primary goal is to ease to create a complex,database-driven website,
The Fremwork is using a reusablity and pluggablity of components,less code,low coupling and rapid develpment,and follow the principle of don't repeat yourself,python is used to throughout,Django is provides some optional administrativ create,read,update and delete interface that is generated dynamically through configured via admin models, some well-know sites that use Django include the public service,instgram ,etc,
introduction Django(web Fremwork) …
introduction Django(web Fremwork) …
introduction Django(web Fremwork) …
introduction Django(web Fremwork) …