Django starapp
- introduction
- Django installation
- Coming soon
When you create a django app follow this some steps-:
1. create a Django project folllow this cmd-:
django-admin startproject project-name
2. now go to Project folder :-
when your entered you see some files,
So know we will createing a Django app inside the django app,So know we will creating a Django app inside the django app,because when will store data and images on the database,so we can using the django apps, after we will show how to store data without creating a django app,creation data in django project,
3. now apply this cmd inside the project folder:-
django-admin startapp app-name
This image is how to apply cmd inside the Project,
after you will get new folder inside this project:-
This is complete process of how create a django apps,Now we are show complete structure or three:
introduction Django(web Fremwork) …
Searching Linear search Binary Sea…
introduction Django(web Fremwork) …
introduction Django(web Fremwork) …
Searching Linear search Binary Sea…